Oliveyah Fitness COVID-19 Safetly Protocol

⭐️Join us in upholding these guidelines when attending class ⭐️

1. . Maintain physical distancing as you show up to class. Please be sure to bring everything to class that you will need for the hour. We will not be sharing equipment.

You will need a hand towel, mat and free weights (5 - 15 Lbs).

You will have an option to use a loop exercise band. (For more details on equipment view my blog post on Workout Essentials.)

2. Setup 6’ apart from your neighbors. Each participant will have their own designated workout area and each station will be clearly marked. When you arrive please set up in an open station. Please note that the instructor will be checking your temperature after you have set up at your station. Please arrive on time. No pets.

3. Bring a mask! Please wear your mask when you get out of your car and set up at your station. It's optional to wear your mask during your workout. After class please put your mask on for everyone's safety and comfort and maintain physical distancing.

Please complete this Covid Screening form before training.