Teach You To Fisch

Teach You To Fisch

My mission is to empower, inspire and “TEACH YOU TO FISCH”! With every single class, discussion or session my hope is that I am educating you in a way that is giving you agency, independence, tools, skills and habits to incorporate into each day. So that when “shit hits the fan” (you break your leg, you have back pain, your trainer decides to have a baby, there’s a pandemic….etc) you are able to take care of you health. No matter what! I want to support you and I would be doing you a disservice if i did not also teach you to become self- supporting and capable as well.

2020: Is this the best year of my life?

2020: Is this the best year of my life?

I’ve been on an amazing ride the last few months and I’ve expanded my business into new sectors I was too afraid to step into before. I have been speaking and teaching (virtually) as a corporate wellness coach and I am offering my services as a personal life coach for the first time. I am asking the universe every day, “how can I serve?” And the universe is responding.


Combat Racism: It's time to do the work

Combat Racism: It's time to do the work

This work, is not for some other person over there who is more racist than I am. It’s about me and it’s about you. It’s about all of us doing the hard work required to leave a better world for our children and their children. It’s about liberating ourselves. It’s about feeling good about the world we live in, the communities we are a part of and how we contribute everyday. It’s about doing our part, and if nothing else, being able to tell our children, and the next generation, that we tried. That we gave a damn.



I experience racism all the time. Yes, in California, yes in the Bay Area, and yes, especially in Marin County. Sadly it has been something I have accepted and learned to adapt to. My grief the last few weeks stems from the realization of how much, over the course of my life, racism HAS actually affected me. My ability to disassociate with this trauma in my day to day is frightening to me and is why I have been feeling so much grief and sadness these last few weeks.

It’s all coming out. One soppy, messy tear at a time.

For most of my adult life I have focused on 'the bright side’ that my privileged, light complexion has afforded me. This privilege has often led me to be passive about racist issues that I experience on a day to day basis and the tragedies that my black community suffers from. In my desperate attempt to fit in and survive in this world I have betrayed myself and my black heritage. The age of silence is over. I’m done trying to fit into the mold of what society wants me to be. I need to do better. I need to do better for myself and for my daughter.

“The beauty of anti-racism is that you don’t have to pretend to be free of racism to be anti-racist. Anti-racism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including in yourself. And it’s the only way forward.”

- Ijeoma Oluo

This has been my favorite quote that has come out of the Black Lives Matter movement because I think it helps to bridge the gap between white privilege and black lives. It is my hope and my ask that you too self-reflect on ways that your privilege has made you passive.

I am a black biracial woman, which often puts me in a place of privilege while at the same time I feel the generation pain, frustration and injustices from racism in this country.

This is my story… Please read with an open heart.

Let the Fall Challenge Begin

Let the Fall Challenge Begin


Let the Fall Challenge Begin! The next LivFit Challenge starts today, October 9th and will run until November 19th. I am super excited to have you join me for this 6 week challenge to get ready for the holidays.

Volunteer Day- Restore Wildlife Habitat

Volunteer Day- Restore Wildlife Habitat

Our next event in on Sunday April 30th.  

Oliveyah Fitness is partnering with the Marin County Parks to work towards restoring the wildlife habitat at Hal Brown Park at Creekside. Our focus for the day will be to eliminate invasive non-native grasses and weeds by burying them with layers of straw, cardboard, and mulch.