This year is coming to an end. I don’t always feel the need to set big new year resolutions but this year has been like no other, so I thought It might be appropriate to reflect on 2020 and set clear intentions for 2021.
Here is my process I hope you find it useful as you bring in the new year!
Before we move into creation for the new year we will digest and process this past year with all of its highs and lows.
Maybe this year has been more intense than years past. Maybe the highs were really high and the lows were really low. Maybe it was the hardest year of your life. Maybe it was the best year. Whatever happened or didn’t happen… here is your opportunity to release anything that you are ready to let go of and to take with you the blessings and lessons of this past year.
Once we reflect and digest what has happened we will move towards manifesting and goal setting for the new year!
So let’s dive in. Grab your favorite notebook, journal, or place to write. Light a candle, grab a stone, pour yourself a cup of tea, sit down in a cozy spot and let's process together.
Your 2020 Recap
Action 1: What sucked?
Before I do any intention setting I like to allow my “small self” space to have her say. I call this a brain dumb. Try it out…
Set a timer for 3 -5 minutes (more if needed) and just allow yourself to complain. Go ahead feel sorry for yourself. Don’t try to edit or be PC about it. Give your critter brain space to say what it wants to say without any editing. Just put it all down. Write down anything that really sucked, something you are ashamed of, embarrassed by, or are feeling sad or angry about. Here is your opportunity to vent.
What was your greatest struggle? Where did you fail? What was your greatest challenge? What and where did you lose? Where, when how and why did you suffer?
Go for it… Write it out!
Action 2: Tell me your wins?
What can you celebrate about this past year? What did you gain? What did you appreciate? What did you do that was amazing? What are you proud of?
Action 3: Create your life categories and subcategories
There are different areas of our life that we are all doing our best to manage. Create your categories and subcategories for your life.
Here are my 3 life categories:
Self: Self-care and compassion. Time and space. My soul. Prayer. Meditation. Connection to nature. Movement. Exercise. Dance. Healing. Coaching. Therapy. Emotions. Morning routines. Health. Hobbies. Creativity. Empowerment. Joy. Passion.
Relationship: Home base. Family. Friends. Tribe. Community. Communication. Connection to others. Interactions. Play. Shared experience. Celebration. Fun.
Contribution: Study. Education. Work. Career. Volunteer and donations. How I serve. How I create impact and the ripple effect of my actions. Money and finances. My calling and purpose. Legacy and what I leave behind.
You can use mine if you’d like, jut make them make sense to you. I recommend keeping it to about 3 - 5 areas.
Here are other ways you can break them up:
Body - Intellect- Spirit - Emotions
Home- Body- Mind- Soul
All of these categories intertwine and are connected. What you decide to put as subcategories for each may look different than mine as well.
Action 4: List highs and lows of 2020 for each category
For each category write down the highs and lows that you experienced in 2020. What were your wins and what were your challenges?
Hello 2021
Magic Wand Mindset: It’s time to manifest
Here is your opportunity to co-create your life and show up fully with high intention. What do you want? Most people are not living their dreams because they are not clear about what their dream is. Take the time to do this now. Life is short. Let’s make the most of it.
Action 5: What do you want?
Take 3 -5 minutes to write out what you want. Here are some prompts to get you started.
In 2021 I’m calling in…
In 2021 I want…
The life I want looks like…
Action 6: Write out 3 goals for each of the categories you created above.
3 Goals for Self…
3 Goals for Relationship…
3 Goals for Contribution…
Action 7: What are you NOT going to do in 2021?
Creating boundaries in my life of things I DO NOT WANT has allowed me to make space for new opportunities and possibilities.
What are you not going to allow? Where do you want to set a strong boundary?
Never again will I…
I will not ___________ no matter what.
Action 8: What is your intention?
Make this a ONE SENTENCE statement about your intention for the new year. If needed, look back on your notes and notice any reoccurring themes.
My intension for the new year is….
Action 9: Affirm and declare your intention
Create an affirmation out of your intention and a declaration to make it so.
To Affirm: Rewrite your intention so that it’s no longer a future endeavor but instead something that is happening now. Rewrite it in the present sense.
To Declare: Write a sentence that makes it so. This is how you manifest. You can use “I am” statements for this if you’d like.
I am…
I am…
I am…
Action 10: What is your word for 2021?
In one word what would you like to feel and experience more this coming year.
My word for 2021:
Claim it! Own it! Embody it. It’s yours!
You did it Congratulations… Goodbye 2020… Hello 2021
I love you.