Hello my people,
So much has happened in the last few months for me and I thought I’d share what I’m up to!
This year has been so hard in so many ways for me, as I assume it has been for you at times. I’ve cried more days than probably any other year prior. This year has humbled me and brought me to my knees in pain.
This is true, but with all of that said, I’ve been thinking that maybe this is actually the best year of my life. Along with the tears, 2020 has given me the gift of space, time and reflection that was needed for me to have clarity, vision and cultivate a joyful, calm and present internal state like never before.
I’ve been on an amazing ride the last few months and I’ve expanded my business into new sectors I was too afraid to step into before. I have been speaking and teaching (virtually) as a corporate wellness coach and I am offering my services as a personal life coach for the first time. I am asking the universe every day, “how can I serve?” And the universe is responding.
I am happy to announce that I am officially a health and life coach.
I know, I know... how cheesy does that sound! I’ve got to come up with a better name. If you would have told me a year ago that I’d say that out loud... and proud, I would have laughed so hard at you. But as it turns out, this is my calling and it is actually what I’ve been up to my whole life, I just realized it now.
So, you may be asking what happened, why NOW? Well, it was a slow unfolding and it came in 3 main ways....as all good things do.
First off:
If you really knew me, you would know that I am an extreme introvert.
Yes, I love being loud, I love teaching, I love “performing” but my being requires a lot of alone time. I’ve always known this. (Note: It’s actually why I decided to only have one child. It’s hard to find alone time with a full house.) This time has given me massive amounts of alone time. Without the social obligations, the small talk and the hustle of life, I have been able to fill up my cup and it is now bubbling over. It feels like freedom!
Here is the second thing:
If you really knew me, you would also know that I am highly intuitive
( A little psychic, clairvoyant, a seer…woo woo). It’s possibly one of my greatest strengths. This has been my gift, but for many years it has also felt like a curse. I am empathetic: which means I deeply feel the pain, suffering, joy, excitement and truth of others. And my spirit always wants- To Help People!
So here was the problem. I did not know how to separate your pain from my pain. I walked around at times like a sponge soaking up everyone else’s vibes. So in the past if you came to me and told me that your elbow hurt...my elbow would physically hurt for 2 days!!!! If I walked into a space where there had been a rape or molestation or around someone who had been assaulted, I would feel like I had been assaulted too. Yup! That’s right. I’ve trained hundreds of people with thousands of different ailments, trauma, and pain and it stuck to me like it was my own personal problem.... Ugh! How exhausting does that sound?
This year, I miraculously learned how to take care of my internal state, I got support from many amazing people and I now have tools to ensure I don’t take on the pain of others. It’s a continuous, daily practice that has allowed me to feel joy and excitement every day! Yes, I still know and see suffering and pain, but now because I do not take it on as my own, I can truly serve. Again, it feels like freedom! I could cry... well, I am crying!
Okay number 3:
I found my calling.
For years I have been giving out prescriptions: eat this, not that, move this way, move that way, breathe...etc. And for many years this satisfied my soul. It was truly all I could hold. Now, I am more interested in lasting change. I want you to wake up in the morning excited about your life. I want you to feel strong and healthy in your body always. I want you to own your power with joy and presence and LIV your truth. I want to create an army of love!
Last night: My daughter woke up at 1:30am because she thought it was morning time. She walked into my room excited to start the day. She had a million things to tell me and was filled with enthusiasm and play! Sadly, I had to break it to her that it was the middle of the night and we’d have to wait until morning to do all of these things. She was devastated, to say the least. She cried and was so sad that she could not start the fun day she had thought up....eventually she feel back asleep.
I walked back into my room with a huge smile on my face because I know exactly how she feels. I can’t wait to start my day either! My life, my journey is incredible.
I love moving with you. I love teaching. I love sharing with you my knowledge of movement and good, healthy living. It feels like play...and I will always play. But now I’m excited to integrate all parts of myself into my work. I’m ready to dig deeper and help you AMPLIFY YOUR LIFE! It feels like freedom!
Thank you for growing with me, for supporting me and letting me share all of me with you!
More to come... I love you. I see you.
It’s go time...
~ Liv