
Restore with Liv

This is a therapeutic class to provide relief from stiffness and pain in the body. Here you will learn proper technique for stretching, and myofascial release to support optimal functioning of the joints, muscles and organs. Classes will include gentle and restorative yoga postures as well as breath and meditation. 

Hurts so Good..... The benefits of using a Foam Roller

With all the time and effort that you put into exercising, it only makes sense that you put as much care into your muscles before and after your workouts as well!

Help out Workout with Marin County Parks

Join Oliveyah and the Marin County Parks volunteer program in supporting the Tiburon Uplands Nature Preserve and get a complimentary workout with Oliveyah Fitness!

Using a Heart Monitor to Achieve your Goals

Knowledge is power when it comes to getting the results you want out of your workout. The quality of your workout is just as important as quantity.  This is where a fitness heart rate monitor (HRM) is an effective pacer that tells you when to speed or when to slow down to achieve the results you want out of your workout.  In addition knowing how many total calories you burned during your workout can help you maintain healthy eating habits.